What We Do

Through the Holy Spirit, prayer and a Bible-based curriculum, an engaging weekly study of God’s Word is offered to assist Sunday school participants in learning and applying biblical commands, teachings, and instructions for Christian living

The 3 Rs:

  • What is my reaction to what I read?
  • What is the relevance of what I read?
  • What is my responsibility in applying what I read?


As “Hope in the Field’ through the study and application of God’s Word to Reach, Teach, Develop, & Grow Disciples for CHRIST.



To Prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. Ephesians 4:12-13 NIV


Ministry Goals

  • To Reach people for Christ, both those already part of our congregation and those who are yet to come into fellowship
  • To Teach people to both understand and apply the truth of God’s Word
  • To Develop supportive Christian relationships in an atmosphere that fosters evangelism and discipleship
  • To Grow others into active intentional service to God and to others

Ministry Leadership

Robbin Cooper, Superintendent

Sis Jackie Bray, Adult Superintendent

Bro Kendall Taylor, Youth Superintendent

Sis. Donã Davis , Vacation Bible School

Sis. Comerlynn Trout, SEED Coordinator

Rev. Valerie rump, Spiritual Advisor

Sis. Donna Wilson, Christian Education Director

Deacon Ted Williams, Sunday School Deacon


Class Schedule & Location

Sunday, 9:30am — 10:30am

Youth classes may be combined.

Location Class Motto Teachers
Adult1 - Room115 (N/S) Seekers, Mark 7:7 Sis.Deborah Stephens
Sis. Dorothy Patterson
Sis. Deborah Williams
Adult 2 - Room 120 Ambassadors II, Corinthians 5:20 Sis. Valari Hill
Sis. Beverly Hicks
Bro. Ernest Hendricks
Adult 3 - Room 117 (N/S) Believers,
II Timothy 4:12;
Min. LaTonya Crawford
Min. Alicia Martin
Adult 4 - Conf Room Christian Faith Café’, John 15:15-16 Sis. Jackie Bray
Bro. Jonathan Clark
Sis. Vineta Mitchell
Adult 5 - Room 118 Anchors of Hope, Hebrews 6:19 Sis. Yolanda Haynes
Thematic (Stewardship) S.E.E.D. (Spiritual Elements Essential for Discipleship), Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Sis. Comerlynn Trout
Sis Olinda Griffin
Sis. Gloria Vinson
Nursery Primary - Grades K-2nd Sis. Cynthia Byrd
Room 135 Youth - Grades
Sis. Patricia Ware
Sis. Elizabeth Johnson
Room 137 Middle School - Grades 6th - 8th Sis. Donã Davis
Room 137 High School -
Grades 9th -12th
Bro. Kendall Taylor

Youth classes may be combined.

Yearly Programs

April - Easter Program

July - Vacation Bible School

September - Back To School

December - Christmas Program

5th Sunday Celebrations